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Is Portal 2 worth it for the $50 gift card?

+12 votes
I just purchased Portal 2, and Mortal Kombat from Toys R Us and received a $50 gift card. I've never played any of the Portal games, and it would be a title I'd probably pass on if there was no promotion. I can return it un-opened and get a $15 gift card instead. A demo would've been nice.
asked 13 years ago in GeneralGeneral by Michael Newbie (154 points)   1 1 4

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11 Answers

+1 vote
If you like puzzles, a great story, and co-op, this is  game you should check out. Don't blame me though if you don't like it. Go onto youtube and watch some gameplay, then make the decision.
answered 13 years ago by Caseyfam Hero (3,530 points)   4 10 33
+1 vote
I would say its worth it because its a unique puzzle game.

A demo for portal2 is not out yet but you can try the demo for portal 1 at
answered 13 years ago by drakaenae King (41,339 points)   5 9 79
+4 votes
The game looks great. What system did you get it on? If you have friends that play with you regularly I would keep it!
answered 13 years ago by ctck Soldier (2,197 points)   1 5 47
0 votes
Portal 2 is a very good game, and you'll be hard pressed to find bad reviews, but it's not for everyone. If you're undecided on it, then I'd watch some online videos to get a feel for how it is. It's very quarky and completely not-serious.

It's a puzzle FPS that's built around physics.
answered 13 years ago by mrtowel Prince (27,434 points)   8 18 41
0 votes
Portal 2 would be worth it even if it costed $100 and came with no gift card.

Well, maybe I'm exagerating :P   But seriously, it's a really good game. Just try it, and you'll see. (I haven't played it, but I played Portal 1, and judging by the trailers, it's way more supperior than portal 1, and I loved that game, even though it was rather short)
answered 13 years ago by markitou Journeyman (714 points)   1 16
0 votes
I bought the PS3 version. I'm watching videos now. It seems like one of those games you become oddly addicted to. Like why am I here now typing this, why didn't I just play it already.
answered 13 years ago by Michael Newbie (154 points)   1 1 4
+1 vote
If you looking for/like  refreshing unique games or puzzle games you Need to try this out,Portal 2 is an unique experience,with Awesome story, music,dialouge and puzzles,So for me it is definitely worth $50
answered 13 years ago by Forsc Adept (753 points)   8
0 votes
The game is already worth $50. So I say it is worth it....
answered 13 years ago by xboxer King (32,462 points)   6 11 48
0 votes
No, I'd buy portal 2 and keep the gift card. Portal 2 would kill the gift card, IMO.
answered 13 years ago by l4d2bob Grandmaster (11,115 points)   5 10 48
0 votes
dont take it back
answered 13 years ago by Stimes Rookie (284 points)   1
–1 vote
Portal 2, and Mortal Kombat are great games , i would keep them also have in mind that you have paid for 1 game if you got a $50 gift card from the store.

Portal is one of several high rated steam games made by valve. Also Portal 2 is a must have if you really like Portal. In your way you didnt play portal 1 so i would ask you if you like puzzles and playing with portals to solve puzzels i would recommend portal 2. If you don't just keep it and give it to a near friend which loves portal (you still have the $50 gift card).
answered 13 years ago by RageQuit Soldier (2,345 points)   1 4 17

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