Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014 Review

As a longtime fan of Wizards' long-running 'Magic the Gathering' TCG, I've come to accept that their yearly Duels of the Planeswalkers titles will never be able to hold a candle to playing a game of cards in person. Don't get me wrong, I've had a great time with the last few titles, but there's just something about opening a physical pack of cards with your buddies that the games and their predetermined decks and battle rewards could never replicate.

Progressing through the campaign

Or so I thought before delving into this year's offering, Duels of the Planeswalkers 2014. See, this year's big new thing is the addition of a Sealed Play mode that allows players to craft decks from scratch, using only randomized cards drawn from boosters. And while this mode still can't match the frenzied excitement of a rare draw in your favorite hobby shop, it's a step in the right direction for sure.

Sealed Play is a great addition, but it's not perfect. You'll have to plow through a three-match "campaign" against AI players before you can pit your new deck against the rigors of online play, and there are only two slots available to save your decks. I personally would have preferred Sealed Play if it had gotten players into a pre-match lobby and had them draw new decks each time, giving it a more communal feel, but the way it's set up now is a great and exciting first step. For now, let's hope that unlocking booster packs becomes a more integral part of future games in the series.

Aside from a few minor quibbles with the integration of Sealed Play, this year's Duels scores a lot of points with its well-balanced, fun to play decks and wealth of single player and multiplayer modes. It's pretty standard stuff for fans who've been with the series for a while now, but it's reassuring to know that the core MtG experience is extremely well-represented. 

Gameplay is still pretty spartan

Most satisfying of all is the representation of the god-like Eldrazi. Never before have these massive realm-eaters appeared in a Duels game, and commanding them in battle is every bit as awe-inspiring as it should be for beasts of their power. These creatures take tons of Mana to pump out, but their brutal 'Annihilator' powers, huge stats, and wealth of other effects are well worth the effort. If you haven't had the pleasure of using some of the cards from the 'Rise of the Eldrazi' set, arguably the best MtG set of the last several years, giving them a go here will be especially surprising and satisfying.

Ditto for the Slivers, creatures who power each other up exponentially with each new cast. Slivers can grant one another a whole range of unique effects, from Trample to Deathtouch and much, much more. These guys are as versatile as they are deadly, and pitting them against the massive Eldrazi can make for some fun battles.

Duels will probably never be the equal of in-person play, but it gets closer each year. Sealed Play is a strong step in the right direction that, despite a misstep here or there, bodes well for the future of the series. But it's the monstrous Eldrazi and the sly Slivers that make this year's effort truly exciting. For Magic fans, this year's game is another no-brainer.


Score: 8.5/10

This game was reviewed on the PC

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