There Be Dragons In This Dragon's Dogma Trailer

Capcom has been showing off a lot of their upcoming RPG Dragon's Dogma lately. We've seen epic griffon fights, intense battles against huge Hydras, and desperate struggles with trolls. The one thing that we've barely seen any of, oddly enough, is dragons. That changes today, as Capcom has released a new trailer for the game showcasing some of the titular creatures and the struggles that they will present during battle. Fire breath, giant claws, and razor-sharp teeth are all par for the course here.

Of course, this being Dragon's Dogma, you won't merely hack and slash away at the beasts until they drop dead, as you would in most other games. Sure, that's definitely an option, as the trailer shows the protagonist stabbing away at the crature's limbs and face for a few seconds. Giving up on that, though, he quickly leaps onto the beast's head, finds a handhold, and starts stabbing away. Yes, in case you've forgotten, you can climb all over the larger foes like some sort of psychotic flea, hopping about and stabbing their weak spots. And yes, it still looks like one of the coolest parts of the game. Check out the trailer below, and look for the game to soar onto store shelves on May 22nd.

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