Enigma Conundrum Riddle Solutions - Batman Arkham City

This guide contains the solutions to the Riddles in the Arkham City Side Quest: Enigma Conundrum

Riddler gives you various Riddles, and you need to solve each of them to advance to the next part of the mission.

Note: This guide is for the Riddle Answers only. If you are looking for a full walkthrough for  Enigma Conundrum mission, we recommend this one:
FULL Batman Arkham City Enigma Conundrum Walthrough

First Riddler Riddle:
I am an instrument whose music always comes from the heart. What am I?

Locate the organ on the far wall of the church.

Second Riddler Riddle: (Bang! Bang! Order in the court)
If you know me, you'll want to share me but if you share me, I'll be gone. What am I?

Enigma Machine Left Wheel: Set to SEC
Enigma Machine Right Wheel: Set to RET

Third Riddler Riddle:
The more there is, the less you see. What could I be?

Enigma Machine Left Wheel: Set to DARK
Enigma Machine Right Wheel: Set to NESS

Fourth Ridder Riddle:
I have a head, a tail, but never any legs. Do you know what I am?

Enigma Machine Left Wheel: Set to PEN
Enigma Machine Right Wheel: Set to NY

Fifth Riddler Riddle:
I'll be right under your feet, in the midday sun. You cannot lose me, no matter how you run. What am I?

Enigma Machine Left Wheel: Set to SHA
Enigma Machine Right Wheel: Set to DOW

Final Riddler Riddle:
Hit me hard and I will crack. But you'll never stop me from staring back. What am I?

Enigma Machine Left Wheel: Set to MIR
Enigma Machine Right Wheel: Set to ROR

Comments (3)

Said this on 5-1-2012 At 07:26 pm

Help on level 31 enigma iPhone. It is a riddle.  

I am everywhere all around through me the stars,the earth and you are bound.iam at work before your very eyes. My name only guessed by the wise

Said this on 7-29-2012 At 02:15 pm


Said this on 6-7-2012 At 12:55 am

thanks for enigma code

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