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can u play portal 2 before portal 1?

+12 votes
asked 13 years ago in GeneralGeneral by anonymous  

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25 Answers

+1 vote
Well of course you are able to play Portal 2 before playing Portal 1. Granted, you won't know much of the story at all, so I'd definitely recommend playing the original Portal so you can understand the story and get a feel for the game and how it's meant to be played.
answered 13 years ago by DrPixel Hero (3,373 points)   4 5 45
+1 vote
You can, eventhough the strength is mostly in solving puzzles, but I'd recommend playing the first game if you want to follow the story. Believe me, it's not only puzzle based. Know more about GLaDOS, the cake and the party. It's fun to follow GLaDOS' insults and test results. Then play portal 2. You will be amazed. Please play from the first game.
answered 13 years ago by gamerx1990 Mercenary (1,491 points)   2 18
+1 vote
Of course! The only disadvantage is that Portal 2 has alot of references from Portal 1 and if you play the first one, you'll have a much better understanding of the story.
answered 13 years ago by l4d2bob Grandmaster (11,115 points)   5 10 48
+1 vote
lol...this is a personal choice and depends if you own one or two wich you prefer to play first...but i highly recomend you play one to appreciate what 2 has to offer and see the evolution of Portal...and the Ending song In Portal 1 is the funniest song you will ever hear
answered 13 years ago by Bear Jesus Journeyman (621 points)  
0 votes
Yes, Portal 1 really didn't have much of a story. The only thing you would be missing out on is becoming familiar with GLaDOS, tricks with the portal gun, and the Portal universe in general.

However, considering the first game is short and sweet I would definitely recomend you give it a run through. It will only take a few hours and you'll end up more comfortable with the game, and more adept at solving the puzzles.
answered 13 years ago by mrtowel Prince (27,434 points)   8 18 41
+1 vote
Yes you can. You'll miss out on the story, but you can. I reccomend you play the first one as not to be confused when it comes to plot.
answered 13 years ago by Peljamon Initiate (417 points)   2
+1 vote
You sure can if you want to play it for the gameplay, but if you want to play it for the great story i recomend playing the first one too.
answered 13 years ago by Ins1d3r Mercenary (1,224 points)   17
+1 vote
sure it's possible to, but I'd suggest STRONGLY that you play the first one before 2 to ge the maximum effect.
answered 13 years ago by Regigigity Journeyman (643 points)   1 1 9
+1 vote
Yeah of course but i would reccemend playing portal 1 first or you might not get the references and jokes
answered 13 years ago by dark788 Soldier (2,610 points)   7 16 36
+1 vote
ya but you might not understand it very well. i believe portal 1 is free if you have a mac?
answered 13 years ago by drahkos Journeyman (624 points)   15
+1 vote

you can and you wouldn't really miss much, but you should play the original game first. seriously, it earned over 30 Game of the Year Awards in 2007.

answered 13 years ago by jaykay Master (8,580 points)   5 7 51
+1 vote
Yes you can play Portal 2 before Portal 1 since there wasn't much story to go by, and Portal 2 has a Recap in it.
answered 13 years ago by Albert Initiate (413 points)   2
–2 votes
Yes you can.

But you may not understand the story. So it's best to start with 1 then move on to 2.
answered 13 years ago by xboxer King (32,462 points)   6 11 48
+1 vote
yes, portal 2 is a stand alone game, but i'll be better if you play portal 1 cuz you'll know the plot before portal 2
answered 13 years ago by drakaenae King (41,339 points)   5 9 79
+1 vote
Yes, you can. You may likely miss some references to the old game, but largely, as I understand, the games are quite separate. The only difference is that portal 2 is set  centuries after portal 1.
answered 13 years ago by elcidcampeon Adept (934 points)   15
+1 vote
Yes , you can. But IMO you should play P1 first for it's great storyline.
answered 13 years ago by tomekbralek Journeyman (654 points)   3
+1 vote
By playing Portal 1 you will know much more of the story then just playing Portal 2 straight on without knowing what happend before Portal 2.
answered 13 years ago by Jaws444 Hero (3,876 points)   1 4 39
edited 13 years ago by Jaws444
+1 vote
Sure you can. But play portal 1 first. It's not long, and you will get the hang of the puzzles.
answered 13 years ago by boombar Newbie (152 points)   1
+1 vote
Absolutely, but I'd recommend playing Portal 1 before if you have it.  That way you've already got a good understanding of the mechanics and can follow the story.


Not to mention Portal 1 is just a great experience on it's own.
answered 13 years ago by shoricsmat Grandmaster (12,671 points)   6 11 46
+1 vote
Yes, but it may be a little hard and you will not understand much of the story
answered 13 years ago by asdf Mercenary (1,154 points)   10 15 23
edited 11 years ago by chronodev
+1 vote
You will be able to play portal 2 before portal 1 even though you have only portal 2, but i recommend that you play portal 1 first to improve your curiousity for the story of portal 2.
answered 13 years ago by terran57 Journeyman (673 points)   1 2 13
edited 13 years ago by terran57
+1 vote
Sure you can, but it is better to play portal 1 before. Portal 1 is amazing and you have to play it.
answered 13 years ago by Elrapt Journeyman (691 points)   16
0 votes
Yes, you can, however, you won't understand many things, but if you're not interested mainly in the storyline, you can have fun, as the game teaches you the basics, too, so you won't get stuck at an early stage of the game.
answered 13 years ago by trakk Rookie (279 points)   2
0 votes
While you can play Portal 2 without playing Portal 1 you will miss out on the story and gameplay. Just give Portal 1 a quick run through and then you will be ready for Portal 2 and get all the jokes and references. You also train for using the Portal Gun early and Portal 2 will be an easier and funnier game for it.
answered 13 years ago by free Mercenary (1,458 points)   1 13
0 votes
You can! But the storyline is a little bit un-understandable with this :D
answered 13 years ago by ketjatekos Journeyman (639 points)   7

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