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How do you execute the Pit fatalities in Mortal Kombat?

+7 votes
asked 13 years ago in GeneralGeneral by anonymous  

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6 Answers

0 votes
just crouch next to your opponent and uppercut them.
answered 13 years ago by jaykay Master (8,580 points)   5 7 51
0 votes
Which MK? The new one or some old ones?

Different characters have different finishing move combos if I am not wrong.

Here are the finishing moves for MK3
answered 13 years ago by xboxer King (32,462 points)   6 11 48
0 votes
In the new Mortal Kombat (9), each character has their own 'Stage Fatality' with it's own unique button input.

This carries over from level to level, so no matter if you're in the Dead Pool or on one of the Pits, your characters stage fatality will do just what it says.
answered 13 years ago by mrtowel Prince (27,434 points)   8 18 41
0 votes
If you are talking about the New MK9 game (Upcomming), specifically the Demo:


The pit stage fatality is executed using your characters specific "stage fatality" move (press start, change to special moves, and look down the list to find stage fatality.


However in the demo it appears that this does NOT work for the "Living Forrest" stage, as for some reason that fatality is not enabled in the demo. (But should be fine in the main game).  I can't count how much time I wasted trying to pull that one off...
answered 13 years ago by aggies11 Journeyman (660 points)   2 11
0 votes
answered 13 years ago by anonymous  
0 votes
you just have to execute your stage fatality
answered 13 years ago by jeremy23 Journeyman (585 points)   1

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