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in dead rising 2 how do you combine weapons?

+6 votes
asked 13 years ago in GeneralGeneral by anonymous  

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6 Answers

+2 votes
You need to find a workshop with a workbench and also a recipe for creating weapons.  I think you might even be able to create stuff by chance without recipes.
answered 13 years ago by Shin GenX Mercenary (1,996 points)  
+1 vote
Contrary to popular belief (i Played for about 6hrs before I realized this), you do not need a combo card before you can combine two (or more!) items into a combo-weapon.

Essentially all you need is two items, and a workbench (found almost exclusively in the utility rooms scattered throughout the game). You place the first item on the bench, and then when you attempt to put an additional item on the bench, it will (if they items are compatible) combine them into a new weapon (and play a cutscene).

While combo cards tell you guaranteed combos, you do not need to have the card to combine items, although it's easier as you don't have to try random combinations until you find one that works.

A quick tip: When you have an item equiped (are holding it), any items that can be combined that are also in your inventory, will have a blue wrench icon on them. This is also true of any items on the floor in the environment.  Using this, you can at least figure out new combinations without having to bring items back to the work benches (which makes it waaay faster).  Just cycle through all the items in your inventory, and see which ones appear with the blue wrench icon.
answered 13 years ago by aggies11 Journeyman (660 points)   2 11
+1 vote
Take two items to a bench. Place one item on the bench, and if it combines with the second a "combine" option will appear. However, many items will not combine. You do not need a combo card to combine items, but having one will give you 2x the points.
answered 13 years ago by nabramson Mercenary (1,899 points)   2 6 32
–1 vote
answered 13 years ago by xboxer King (32,462 points)   6 11 48
+1 vote
you need to get the two items needed for the recipe and then place the object one by one on the workbench. Then a cutscene activates and hes made it.
answered 13 years ago by ExiledOne Mercenary (1,130 points)   11
+1 vote
Use a workbench and find the recipe for the crafting weapons
answered 13 years ago by l4d2bob Grandmaster (11,115 points)   5 10 48

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