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in dead rising 2 how do you beat leon?

+3 votes
asked 13 years ago in GeneralGeneral by anonymous  

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4 Answers

+3 votes
I found Leon to be a real pain to beat. Your best bet is to get something powerful like the knife gloves and get Leon into a corner where he can't ride around. Then slash him a few times and he's dead.
answered 13 years ago by louiedog Mercenary (1,020 points)   15
I used this strategy and was able to kill him on the 2nd go (first go I got burned up). Just keep him from moving around much and f him up with your wolverine hands.
+3 votes
He's a pain, there is no real effective plan.
Get a wrench, i believe there is one by the fireworks trap.  Circle here a lot avoiding the fireworks and try to hit him with a thrown object as you go past.  He will also come up on you when you need to crank the girls back up.  You need not do many cranks for this, don't waste your time, just do 2 or 3 and be ready to slap him with the wrench when he gets near.
answered 13 years ago by FentonAlpha Adept (798 points)   12
–1 vote
Watch this video guide for help.
answered 13 years ago by xboxer King (32,462 points)   6 11 48
+2 votes
I found him not very hard to beat. Just make him to hit the wall, he will stop, and then use all the weapon you can. Repeat untill he is dead. Hint: don't let zombies and Leon hurt you
answered 13 years ago by Filoleg Adept (873 points)   18

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