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how do you drop units while moving in starcraft 2?

+7 votes
asked 13 years ago in GeneralGeneral by anonymous  

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5 Answers

+2 votes
This requires a bit of micro, so say if you have a medivac full of marines and you want to drop the marines in a line while your medivac keeps flying to destination. You first have to fly your medivac towards the destination, along the way you have to keep pushing 'D' then click your medivac, so -> 'D' -> click medivac -> 'D' -> click medivac, sadly there is no shift command to queue up dropping while moving. This works for multiple medivacs as well, 'D' -> click the medivac to drop, micro intensive when you have lots of medivacs doing drop or overlord doing baneling drop.
answered 13 years ago by ysge4geg Adept (843 points)   16
+1 vote
Technically, you have to stop to drop units. But you can do this so fast that it seems you never stopped. Fly towards your dropoff point and hit "d" before you get there. Click on the dropoff point, and as soon as you hear the drop sound, continue moving your medivac/prism/overlord. You will have stopped for a fraction of a second but it won't cost you too much time.
answered 13 years ago by nabramson Mercenary (1,899 points)   2 6 32
+1 vote
Hit "D" while your medivac is moving, your cursor will change but instead of clicking the ground to tell it where to drop, click on the medivac itself. It will begin dropping units one by one without stopping.

It also works with Overlord, Warp Prism, etc.
answered 13 years ago by bcoronado1 Journeyman (624 points)   8
+1 vote
While the dropship is moving, press "D" and then left-click on the dropship. It'll start dropping immediately.
answered 13 years ago by Saffir Journeyman (634 points)   5
0 votes

Hit the key D and the transporter will start dropping. Right click to move then hit the key D again. Takes a bit of micro to get it right.

answered 13 years ago by Zenphic Adept (763 points)   5

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