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Why doesn't my pokemon eggs hatch in pokemon black and white

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So, I have been making eggs and I try to hatch them but they never hatch. I look at the egg's summary after 5 minutes and the summary says that I doesn't seem close to hatching and I have been hatching eggs before this happened but after that, it didn't work anymore.

asked 13 years ago in Tips/HintsTips/Hints by anonymous  

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1 Answer

+1 vote

May i make a suggestion? If you are just standing there, it wont work. You must move around alot and run around. A pokemon with the Ability Flame Body  Being in your pary wont harm the egg, just make it hatch faster. (You still need to move around).

If this is not working, consider looking at your PC boxes. If they are full, you will need to release a few Pokemon so that there will be room in your party or PC boxes.

All Pokemon Species  hatch at different speeds. So, if you have taken up breeding a NEW pokemon that you are not as familiar with, perhaps you'd better take a while to hatch this egg. Maybe do a bit of Research on this Pokemon, as a Proffesor would.

If these dont work, i reccomend you look up your requested information.



answered 12 years ago by PokeGuide Mercenary (1,010 points)   1 2 19

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