The Dragon claw door puzzle has been stumping more players than anything else, personally I tried 24 out of 27 combinations before happening on the right one; which was from top to bottom, Bear, Bird/Bug, Owl.
But how are you supposed to solve this puzzle? Is it the images on the walls? No. They don’t tell you anything that I’ve been able to see; though I did see an owl on one of them. Is it the lines on the circles? Nope… That doesn’t work either. Is it the thief’s journal? Actually, yes. Even though the clue is kind of vague, the answer is in the palm of your hand. Or rather, the palm of its hand; which is to say, look at the claw in your inventory and rotate it around to look at its palm.
Look at that! There are the three symbols! This is not the only claw in the game. So knowing this should save you some time.
How did I find this out? After I returned the claw, I jumped on to the counter, knocked it onto the floor, and low and behold, there it was, staring me in the face.
Worst hint ever.