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How can I find in steam what I bought? (not game directory, like packs and bundle)

+8 votes
When I buy a game or game pack, it gets to the game diractory. But where can I see what I vought or activated, like the pack name or the retail game I activated.

And there is the date of activation/purchase too.

I once found it but no more.
asked 13 years ago in GeneralGeneral by Viktor Szauer Newbie (135 points)  

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3 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
On Steam Client go to top right. You will see a link that says USERNAME Account. Once you click on it you'll see Store Transactions and your Game Licenses
answered 13 years ago by Death31133 Mercenary (1,058 points)   1 1 19
Thanks. Was looking for it for a long time. :)
–1 vote
You can also check your email for the receipts.
answered 13 years ago by xboxer King (32,462 points)   6 11 48
0 votes
You can access this information directly on the Steamworks website by following this link:
answered 13 years ago by Javindo Adept (849 points)   1 7

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