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how do quests work in The Sims Medieval?

+5 votes
how does the quest system work exactly in The Sims Medieval?
asked 13 years ago in Quests/MissionsQuests/Missions by anonymous  

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2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
The Sims you choose for the Quest will (as usual) appear on the left side of your screen. The Quest tasks will appear next to your sims icons on the left. Make sure you read the instructions given on the tasks carefully and make sure you understand them.

You will also have to to do a bit of looking around on the quests. An important sim or location will be highlighted with a tab that lets you interact with them if you aren't sure where they are. When performing a certain interaction with a sim or location, it is likely that the interaction will be highlighed in either green, yellow or red. Those colours will have better success rates depending on your Focus(mood bar).

The Focus bar (obviously) indicates how focused your sim is. The higher it is, the better chance of your sim succeeding in their quest. However if it is low, it can lower the chance of success or even prevent you from filling out that task if it is too low. That's where Responsibilities come in.

Responsibilities can come in handy when your sim's Focus is low. You can have 2 Responsibilities at a time, and if you complete them quickly and correctly, your sim's focus will be back in the green in no time. However, if you don't complete your Responcibilities in the time limit given, your sims Focus will go down even further until the following 9 AM, when the Responcibilities will be renewed. If your sim is un focused and can't do anything about it, just wait till they renew and try again.

Hopefully this should enlighten you a bit, but with enough practise, you'll do just fine :)
answered 13 years ago by anonymous  
+1 vote

from official EA faq

Questing is the pirmary means for forward progress in The Sims Medieval. Players of The Sims 3 may be reminded of Opportunities, but Quests are much more vital to the survival and expansion of your kingdom. A successful Quest rewards your kingdom with riches, increases your Resource Points for constructing new buildings, XP for your Heroes, and develops the Aspects of your kingdom.

  • Each Quest has a variety of Approaches you can choose. These will be determined by what heroes you have available to you as well. A wizard will solve a problem differently than a knight, but you need to have both heroes ready if you want to choose.
  • Quests can be solved with varying degrees of success, represented by the quality of chalice rewarded upon their completion. A bronze chalice nets you meager loot, Rp and XP, while silver, gold and platimum chalices increase your score.
  • Starting a Quest will consume Quest Points. If you fail the quest, these do not come back. QP is refilled by fulfilling Ambitions and Achievements.


answered 13 years ago by drakaenae King (41,339 points)   5 9 79

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