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in minecraft what does whitelist mean?

+7 votes
asked 13 years ago in GeneralGeneral by anonymous  

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I joined a cool server where everyone liked me but the admin, so she took my name of the list... ITS NOT FAIR
so uh, i used to play on my friends server, Little_Cora, then i tried to go on but it said ' this server is not white listed' i was like
' CRAP! what does that mean!!?' I NEED HELP
BTW it is really annoying. I don't know why she did it!
- Julia_DA_Wolfie44
So I have alot of Friends on this server, and they all love me and we are all like bffs! Then, today, it said the server and was white-listed! Can someone plz exclaim to me what that Evan means! #help
It means they are re-doing the server. After a while you can go back on the server. The bad thing is when you go back on, everything has changed and all the builds are gone.
I mean I wanted to join a server but its said "this server is white-listed WTH DOES DAT MEAN
I was on a server called phenonix drop high school it is not the same it is gust called that then it Seidel this server was white listed and I could of helped I am a good builder and I was in op but I not enamor that made me :( but I am friends with one of the owners his name is destroyerofrock if you get this I am sad by
How come I'm white listed I didn't even know the server existed until I watched a u tube channel it it's not FAIR
I joined my server and then it said "Your Not White-Listed!"
I have no idea what happened
 Help me plz
I even added myself on my white-list and it still said the same darn! thing what the ....!

9 Answers

0 votes
Whitelist refers to the players allowed to connect to a server.

Some servers restrict those who can connect to it by only allowing those names added to the servers whitelist to connect.
answered 13 years ago by mrtowel Prince (27,434 points)   8 18 41
That was very helpful to me :) Why do they want to disallow some players? I did like nothing and they kicked me saying i wasn't whitelisted on the server.
ik on snapcraft the new games are skywars, and it says u r not whitelisted to this server im like ''wtf'' its not fair
AND IM A VIP!! MY USER IS ajayboy5
Maybe they were undergoing maintenance where they did not want anyone on the server...? I'm not really sure

Just guessing cause that's what I always did with my own server, anyways.
i got banned from the Orepros server for 'Not being on the whitelist'. I was like: what the -- ?!
I got of the whitelist on omega realm :(:(:(:(
i can't play because it says I'm not white listed
The server i join is but i am not added.
The problem is is that I never visited the server!!!!!!!!!!!
I want to go on mega pe prison but I can't it is white listed could you try to get me on my gamer tag is GoldenApple888
How do I get in a server white listed then??
Weird same here I was a member and I logged on to see server white listed
I was whitelisted from RedRealm Prison server and I was like what the heck????
What's the ore pros server ip and port
0 votes
whitelist is a list for a given server that has the username of the players allowed on said server. if it says you are not whitelisted the admin hasn't put you on the list.
answered 13 years ago by James Thayer Journeyman (606 points)  
0 votes
you can only go on a whitelist server if the admin adds your username
answered 13 years ago by drakaenae King (41,339 points)   5 9 79
+1 vote
Your allowed and recognized on this server
answered 13 years ago by djs Soldier (2,570 points)   3 10 39
0 votes
you are allowed to server if you are on whitelist
answered 13 years ago by Haloweeboe Champion (5,146 points)   2 8 19
and i'm not. :-(
I'm not either to my Favorite server. :'(
;_; whaaa I am not added and it's my favorite server and I had over 200 diamonds whaaa!!!
Same here internet person, same here
. Miss my diamonds
0 votes
i realy dont know
answered 11 years ago by anonymous  
Then why even answer? If you don't know then don't answer. Saying 'I don't know' is not helpful.
Thats an awesome answer, Thank you so much it REALLY helped me =D
why answer that's so dumb saying idk is stupid
0 votes
what does white-listed mean in minecraft because i'm not white-listed in please tell me what it means
answered 11 years ago by anonymous  
0 votes

Whitelist means if the server admin(s) has added you to the server if he/she has then you will have acess to the server, if not then you may need to contact the server admin(s) then hopefully he/she will add you to his/her list of players. smiley Hope this helps 

P.S I enjoy Minecraft alot so heres the server (awesome) i play on (its cracked and theres free flying and theres 4 differnt worlds) IP:

answered 10 years ago by anonymous  
I like Minecraft very much. It is a game about breaking and placing blocks and can keep your attention for a longer time.
0 votes
It means you are a female dog. Just kidding I don't know what it means.
answered 8 years ago by anonymous  

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