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The Nearby system can suggest a perfect match for co-op play All it takes is one press of a button and you're connected!? dead island

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asked 12 years ago in GeneralGeneral by anonymous  

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1 Answer

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when you play online keep an eye on the right hand side of your screen

a box may pop up saying press a button to join such and such a player

this only shows when you are in the same place as someone and on the same quest (main story quests only, it ignores any sidequest progress)

well you need to be connected to the internet for this and in your options theres a bit about visability with 2 options. LAN and internet, if its set to internet then others can see your game and have the option to join you

now ive only ever seen this come up at the very start of the game and the very end, but it does work.

joining someone else will cause you to loose any partial progress on side quests, same as quiting the game
answered 12 years ago by mokh Galactic Emperor (115,612 points)   10 12 51

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