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What different modes are in Mortal Kombat?

+6 votes
What different play modes are in the new mortal kombat?
asked 13 years ago in GeneralGeneral by anonymous  

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3 Answers

0 votes

From IGN:

Mortal Kombat introduces a number of game modes as well as an online experience. Up to 4 players can battle "tag-team"- 2 players can team up in the new "Co-op Arcade Mode" or compete against another team online.

answered 13 years ago by xboxer King (32,462 points)   6 11 48
0 votes
Mortal Kombat (9) includes a fully fleshed out story mode, a fatality trainer, a standard versus mode, a tag team versus mode, and a new mode called 'King of the Hill' and 'Challenge tower'


The challenge tower is a series of 300 challanges that require the player to perform specific tasks in order to complete. The last challenge is said to be incredibely difficult. You're awarded coins to spend in the krypt for each challenge completed

King of the Hill involves a standard versus between two players, but has other players spectating the match. They can cheer and boo, and rate the winner on performance. Winner of the match goes on to fight the next spectator in line.

The 360 was also rumored to have a mode called Puzzle Kombat, but it has not been confirmed.
answered 13 years ago by mrtowel Prince (27,434 points)   8 18 41
0 votes
There is also a practice mode similar to other fighting games in which you can test combos/damage as well as set the AI to record abilities to practice against.

There are a ton of modes that are offered and you get points for playing most of the in which you can spend in the Krypt to unlock a lot of new things (such as fatalities).
answered 13 years ago by Biowulf Journeyman (636 points)   1

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